Possibilities of local development through business grouping: study in Lubrín (Almería, Spain)


On the aim of local and entrepreneurial development, there have been created figures such as clusters, which allow resources and knowledge to be shared in the same geographical area as well as to collaborate with the purpose of improving the competitiveness and economic development of the region. We have carried out a municipal analysis of Lubrín to know the strengths and weaknesses of the municipality, identify opportunities and threats, and design strategies with a view to local development. The ETPO methodology was used to analyze the current context and even thou it wasn´t found a cluster of goat companies, there is a similar figure. This system would be led by the City Council and would have several companies that would collaborate in the distribution of products under a common brand. It is therefore recommended to strengthen this collaboration and study other actions aimed at promoting the consumption of local products and attracting visitors to the municipality.
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sustainable local development
business cluster