Human-Scale Development: Live Perspectives of Three Individuals with Disabilities


<p>The article studies the human-scale development of three people with disabilities (PWD) from their critical conscience as subjects. The aim is to identify the needs and satisfiers of people in situation of disability in the rural area of Popayán, based on the model of human-scale development. Using a qualitative approach, the accounts provided by three persons in situations of physical disability are observed and described, through semi-structured interviews using the matrix proposed by human-scale development. <em>Results</em>: The satisfiers that meet basic human needs in diversity are the following: work, independence, autonomy, mobility, access to health care, family and religion, that they can resolve make-subsistence, be-protection, have-protection, haveaffection, make-affection, have-participation, make-participation, and have-identity as basic human needs. <em>Conclusions</em>: The three persons with disabilities reveal, under the strategy of human-scale development, the needs and satisfiers that enhance and strengthen their self-recognition, spirituality and family, generating synergies and links with their environment and institutions.</p>
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human-scale development
basic human needs