No. 16 (2011)


Luis Fernando Ramírez Hernández (Author)
7 - 8


Territory and development: Conceptual basis for local governance
Luis Nelson Beltrán Mora, Juan Pablo Bohórquez Montoya, Luis Ernesto Pardo Rodríguez, Luis Fernando Ramírez Hernández, Jaime Alberto Rendón Acevedo, Nestor Juan Sanabria Landazábal (Author)
9 - 51
Políticas locales de empleo en cuatro municipios del Valle de Aburrá, Colombia
Rubén Darío Álvarez García, Sonia Alexandra Agudelo Ayala (Author)
53 - 85
Incidence of remuneration to capital on the colombian business cycle from 1980 to 2005
Julio César Chamorro Futinico, David Alejandro González Bejarano (Author)
109 - 137
From the top of the mountain or the savannah plane: Subjective perception of poverty in Bogotá
Diego Andrés Guevara Fletcher, Julián David Gómez Castillo (Author)
163 - 181
183 - 191
The national planning system: from utopia to cooptation
Germán Puentes González, Camilo Ignacio González (Author)
193 - 222