Land and Rural Women in the Department of Meta: Progress in the Implementation of the Land Chapter within the Framework of the Peace Agreement
Equidad y Desarrollo


This paper seeks to identify the characteristics of distribution and access to land of rural women in the department of Meta, in the context of the implementation of the land chapter signed in the 2016 Peace Agreement. A quantitative, descriptive approach is carried out, in which official databases are analyzed to establish indicators of land tenure, extension, decision-making, adjudication, formalization and trade, according to gender. The results indicate that, although there is a tendency to achieve gender parity in land adjudication and formalization processes within state policies, there are still gaps in decision-making power and land extensions owned and accessed by women. It is concluded that gender approaches and leadership must be materialized so women achieve ownership and control of land in equality to men.
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Land policy
gender approach
land ownership and access to land

How to Cite

Murcia Venegas, D. L., Rivas Ortiz, L. V., Torres-Rodríguez, G. A., & Ubaque-Galán, I. P. (2024). Land and Rural Women in the Department of Meta: Progress in the Implementation of the Land Chapter within the Framework of the Peace Agreement. Equidad Y Desarrollo, 43, e1574.