Beyond Economics: The Effects of the Pandemic on the Mental Health of Colombians
Equidad y Desarrollo


The pandemic has brought devastating economic and social effects worldwide and has also affected people’s mental health. The present work studies the incidence of the employment situation of Colombians on the probability of feeling depressed, stressed, or worried during the period of uncertainty about the pandemic (August 2020 - January 2021). Using information from the Great Integrated Household Survey methodologically, logit models are estimated to study the socioeconomic factors associated with the probability of feeling stressed, depressed, or worried. The results suggest that the marginal effect of being unemployed is associated with a 4.7% higher probability of feeling depressed. Being a woman and unemployed head of household, in turn, increases the probability by more than 10%. The inability to pay debts and difficulty obtaining food report positive marginal effects that increase the probability of being stressed by 5.8% and 6%, respectively.
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How to Cite

Ariza, J. ., & Pinzón, D. A. (2022). Beyond Economics: The Effects of the Pandemic on the Mental Health of Colombians. Equidad Y Desarrollo, 39, e1490.