Effects of the Pandemic on Labor Participation, Economic and Family Activities of Women in Popayán-Colombia


The article analyzes the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labor market, the economic and family activities of women in Popayán, and businesswomen in Cauca. For this, a logit model is estimated. In addition, primary and secondary information sources from DANE, ANIF, and Confecamaras are used. The results show that women’s labor participation gap increased by approximately 1.2 percentage points. The data obtained through 298 surveyed businesswomen reveal that they have had to change their economic activity and use ICT and other strategies to adapt to current difficulties. Finally, a significant change was observed in the economic activity of the companies; few enterprises run by women are operating at total capacity, while the majority are operating with restrictions, closed, or in the closing process.
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labor participation
logit model