Human Capital in the Project Management, a Factor for Strategic Alignment


This article aims to analyze whether the factor of human capital is relevant when aligning the investment projects and the organizational strategy based on international standards and benchmarks as well as the professional experience from local practices. The methodology herein is a review of studies describing how investment projects are prioritized to support the strategic and how much they consider the human capital as a factor. Next, different project methodologies are compared and the level of use of indicators measuring the human capital is analyzed. Finally, using the Delphi method, the consensus of project experts regarding the situation of the human capital factor when managing a project intended to contribute to the organization strategy is analyzed. The results section underlines that, even though some companies can be taken as a benchmark thanks to the tools they adopted —like the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)— for their strategic direction and the standard methodologies they used to manage the projects with indicators, experts agree that due to a lack of vision or planning, in the reality the human capital factor requires paying more attention to need of aligning the project and its strategic objective
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Organizational alignment
human capital
integral command board
balanced scorecard