No. 41 (2022)
Equidad y Desarrollo

Research Article

Capabilities recognition in people with a disability: an Action-participation research approach
Alejandra Lopera Escobar, Daniela Jiménez Parra, Sara Elisa Maussa García, Laura Alejandra Trujillo Pereañez (Author)
The Human Development Index for the Valle del Cauca, Colombia in XXI Century: 2005-2018
Álvaro Pío Gómez Olaya, Leonardo Solarte Pazos, Juan Manuel Candelo Viáfara (Author)
The state and enterprise amalgam: a main point of analysis of transformations in local production and the precarization of the lifestyle in a miner municipality
Mauricio Alexander Arango Tobón, Luz Adriana Muñoz-Duque, Mariana Jiménez Obando, Mauricio Hernando Bedoya Hernández (Author)
Self-efficacy and engagement from a gender perspective
Sarah Ospina-Cano, Eliana Quiroz-González, Erika Villavicencio-Ayub, Gina Marcela Arias Rodríguez (Author)
Determinants of the financial impact of the pandemic on MSMEs in Colombia
Elsa Beatriz Gutiérrez Navas, Jaime Enrique Sarmiento Suarez, Julio Cesar Ramírez Montañez (Author)
Planning guidelines for agro-ecotourism development: case of Jardín, Antioquia
Diana Patricia Guzmán Álvarez, Holmes Rodríguez Espinosa, Mario Fernando Cerón-Muñoz (Author)
Knowledge level on agro-ecology of farmers in ninety farms North of Santander, Colombia
Leonides Castellanos González, Alfonso Eugenio Capacho Mogollón, Cristhian Jair Villamizar Valencia (Author)