Energy demand’s state of art until the first lustrum of the 90s.


The change in the theoretical ways to understand the phenomena is coupled with the complexity that they develop by themselves. At the same time, instrumental ways needed to measure are being developed. So it is possible to see substantive changes in the way to measure the demand for residential electric power. It will move from large aggregates to the use of microdata. From a functional log-linear form to the incorporation of the asymmetries, through the binary choice and design that made that the power is equivalent to an intermediate service as it serves to produce goods or services at home. It was also reported a widespread use of time series and co integration analysis. But even at the time this state of art is described, many of the themes of this type of demand are not solved and developments after 1994, in Colombia will give another meaning to the use of electricity.
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demand for residential electric energy
models based on log-linear functions
models based on traslog functions
models of binary choice
models based on theory of domestic production
models based on time-series
models based on co-integration analysis