Competitiveness and Financial Management in SMEs Hotel Businesses in Yucatan, Mexico


Small and medium hotel enterprises in Yucatan represent an important sector for the economic development of the State. However, inadequate financial management leads to reduced profits and a short life expectancy for them. In the case of financial management in hotels, it is necessary to develop an indicator model that facilitates the reading of the results, of the financial situation of the hotels, and of the organization in general. It is necessary to obtain hard data that lead to making quick and forceful decisions in a timely manner. The objective of this study is to explain why a good financial management is a factor that greatly increases the competitiveness of organizations and that hotel financial management indicators are an instrument for measuring the different variables associated with organizational objectives, expressed in terms of some quantitative basis that defines the scope or achievement of the expected results. For this work, a bibliographical review of relevant articles from a range of authors was conducted.
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Small and medium hotel enterprises
financial management