Economic Action and Uncertainty: Jens Beckert’s Contribution to Economic Sociology
Equidad y Desarrollo


This paper aims to give an approach to the foundations of Jens Beckert’s sociological theory of economic action, central figure of the new economic sociology. Analyzing the limitations imposed by uncertainty to the model of rational action, Beckert proposes a sociological theory of economic action centered on the concept of intentional rationality. Given their inability to perform calculations a <em>priori</em>, actors rely on social devices like fictitious expectations, offering “illusions of reality” that facilitate action. It is a theory that provides a theoretical answer in sociological terms to the question: what should the actors do when they don’t know what the best to do in economic terms is? In addition to highlighting the significant theoretical and conceptual value of Beckert’s work, the article seeks to disseminate his contributions in the Spanish-speaking community of specialists, given that his works haven’t been translated to Spanish.
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Economic sociology
Jens Beckert
rational action
fictitious expectations

How to Cite

Nemiña, P. . (2015). Economic Action and Uncertainty: Jens Beckert’s Contribution to Economic Sociology. Equidad Y Desarrollo, 23, 9-33.