The open access editorial policy: Horizons of democratization of knowledge for development
Equidad y Desarrollo


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the horizons opened by the open access editorial policy in Latin America, by virtue of its potential to contribute to the region’s development. To that effect, the text has three sections. In the first, the origin of this movement and its reception in Latin America is reviewed; it is seen that, beyond solving the problems of financing the circulation of scientific knowledge, open access is a political commitment from science. In the second section, the meaning of development is explained. Finally, the idea of democracy of knowledge as a practice of science and as a political commitment is discussed, as well as the relationship between democracy of knowledge and development.
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scientific publications

How to Cite

Vargas Arbeláez, E. J. (2014). The open access editorial policy: Horizons of democratization of knowledge for development. Equidad Y Desarrollo, 21, 145-161.