No. 32 (2018)


Influence of social responsibility on the financial performance of the chemicalpharmaceutical sector
Carmen Paola Padilla-Lozano, Danny Xavier Arévalo-Avecillas, Nancy Ivonne Wong-Laborde (Author)
121 - 141
Inclusion of people with disabilities in the Peruvian labor market
Andrés Velarde-Talleri, Xavier Llinas-Audet, Miguel Barboza-Palomino (Author)
57 - 78
Potato: A promising food with international marketing options
Richard Orlando Buitrago Reyes, Liliana Peñuela Muñoz (Author)
181 - 206
Social entrepreneurship and global value chains
Yasmani Jiménez Barrera (Author)
227 - 246
Zero empathy: The perpetrators of evil
Alberto Prada Sanmiguel, FSC, Hernán Ferney Rodríguez García (Author)
79 - 99


La inclusión social y la empatía
Adriana Otálora-Buitrago (Author)
9 - 10