Factors Determining the Imbalances in the Higher Education in Colombia
Equidad y Desarrollo


This work aims to determine the existence of educational imbalances in higher-education graduates in Colombia. Educational imbalance is defined as the difference between the schooling level and the level required to perform in a job position. When the former is higher than the latter, it implies the existence of over-education; the opposite case implies under-education. The results indicate that 41.87% of graduates have some imbalance with higher numbers of under-educated graduates. Based on a multinomial logit model the variables influencing the probability of being either over-educated or under-educated were identified. Having earned a technician or technologist degree, living in the Central-East region, and work experience increase the probability of being under-educated. On the other hand, being a man and having an increasingly higher schooling increase the probability of being over-educated
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How to Cite

Rodríguez Marín, J. C., & Botero Guzmán, D. . (2020). Factors Determining the Imbalances in the Higher Education in Colombia. Equidad Y Desarrollo, 35, 85-106. https://doi.org/10.19052/eq.vol1.iss35.4