On the Meaning of Work in Labor Flexibility in Medellin, Colombia
Equidad y Desarrollo


This article was developed based on a qualitative investigation through interviews to workers, professionals of social sciences and people in charge of human resources. A content analysis and a triangulation of data were also carried out. As a result, we found that operative workers perceive an improvement when going from the informal sector to a temporary formal sector professionals indicate a loss in certainty and expected standard of living they claim that the State focuses on the formalization of employment based on the sustainability of the social protection and job creation system, neglecting its quality, with an inefficient regulation of labor legislation companies use the flexibility to be competitive, reduce staffing problems, coupled with a lack of interest in retaining employees and adverse effects such as discrimination and objectification of workers.
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informal labor

How to Cite

Gómez Vélez, M. A. (2017). On the Meaning of Work in Labor Flexibility in Medellin, Colombia. Equidad Y Desarrollo, 29, 83-104. https://doi.org/10.19052/ed.4152