Self-efficacy and engagement from a gender perspective
Equidad y Desarrollo


Self-efficacy and engagement are linked to mental health, both can be differentiated by gender. The objective of this study is to analyze the role of gender in self-efficacy and engagement in Colombian workers in the telecommunications sector. Ex post facto prospective study with the participation of 298 workers (W=124 - M=174). The professional self-efficacy questionnaire (AU-10) and the Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17) were used. Correlation, multiple linear regression, variance, T-Student, and Tukey analyzes were performed. Results: there is a correlation between self-efficacy and the dimensions of engagement (vigor-r=.49, dedication-r=.44 and absorption-r= .43). Gender is a variable that affects self-efficacy (β=.118, t=2.02, P<.044). In turn, there are significant differences in self-efficacy based on gender (p=0.01), with men presenting a higher score. Elements are provided for the interpretation of this higher score in men, based on the considerations promoted by Western societies, in which gender roles and attributes assigned to the feminine and masculine are different. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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job satisfaction

How to Cite

Ospina-Cano, S. ., Quiroz-González, E. ., Villavicencio-Ayub, E. ., & Arias Rodríguez, G. M. (2023). Self-efficacy and engagement from a gender perspective. Equidad Y Desarrollo, 41, e1488.