The appropriate measure of an educational organization demands to the persqn who leads itto enliven the creativity, so that it keeps up in constant development within a number of situationsthat the environment formulates. lt is very important to fa ce up with strong decision the panoramain front ahead and distinguish new paths that allow within a safer atmosphere the organizationalstrengthening a long with the indicators every company should hove. In this respect some strategiesmust be brought into so that they make a difference all the way inside the educational organizationto open up new ways to make the updating possible to offer the students an the undergraduatenew roads to be able to face up the environmental problems, among these challenges there isa laboral conflict affecting Latín American countries like Colombia. lnside this conflict anddespite their preparation, the young population find less opportunities in the market. Regardingthis context we can mention the progresses achieved by The Faculty of Agricultura! Managemental La Salle University (Bogotá, Colombia) in a coherent application of a educational strategyaiming to deal with the working world problems through the application of a vocational trainingbased on a dynamic conception where other techniques such as the planning of differentscenarios, the holistic approach, system orientation, strategic planning, total quality and continuous improvement as well as creativity and innovation.